Breaking into the social media world can be an immensely tricky thing to do for a new app. You’ve got to successfully identify a niche, create an app that will serve that niche, and make sure the app has all the functionality its intended demographic wants from it.
That might sound easy on paper, but the graveyard of failed social media platforms should show that it’s incredibly difficult to get everything right.
Of course, it helps if you’re already established in the social media world; that way, you’ve got the clout, the marketing budget, and the in-built user base to create something that will have a headstart in life.
Recently, Instagram owner Meta released Threads, its new Twitter competitor, which is built on the same platform as Instagram. It’s been hugely successful, attracting millions of users within a week or two of its launch.
Why is that, though? Let’s take a look at the reasons for Threads’ meteoric rise and whether the app has any lasting power or not.
Why has Threads been so successful?
As we’ve said, many apps have fallen where Threads has succeeded. What is it doing right that other apps haven’t done (or possibly couldn’t do)? Here are some of the reasons we think Threads has enjoyed the success it has.
It’s got Instagram behind it
Perhaps the biggest reason that Threads has been so successful is that it’s been created by the folks behind Instagram, which is already a hugely popular social media platform.
You need an Instagram account if you want to sign into Threads; you can’t create a separate account for the app. This is likely why Threads has been able to attract such a massive user base, but it’s not just about an existing demographic.

If the sign-in process for an app is easy, then users are more likely to want to use it, and since every Threads user needs an Instagram profile, signing in is as simple as downloading the app and using your Instagram credentials to enter Threads’ world.
Twitter is arguably floundering
Opinions appear to be divided on the fortunes of Twitter. To some, its current woes are a temporary storm that Elon Musk’s app will be able to weather, but to others, the problems Twitter is experiencing could be lethal for it.
It’s into that murky and complex debate that Threads has waded, hoping to grab a few of Twitter’s more disenfranchised users and attract them to its own platform. We don’t know how many Threads users are disgruntled Twitter users, but there’s likely some crossover.
Influencers are always looking for the next big app
Many of the users who’ve signed up for Threads are likely influencers who are looking for the next big app. This is a huge part of being an influencer; if you can get ahead of the curve, then you can build a base before the app gets taken over by competitors.

Right now, Threads’ functionality is pretty bare-bones, but it’s still possible to post videos, images, and text, which is all a good influencer needs to talk to their base. When combined with Instagram integration, it’s easy to see how influencers could make up a large part of Threads’ early adopter audience.
Threads doesn’t show you an empty feed
While it’s true that much of the social media landscape is dominated by algorithmic content these days, Threads has been pretty smart in terms of its initial user experience.
When you first sign up for Threads, you’ll be asked to follow people you already follow on Instagram, who then have to approve your follow. While that’s happening, you’re shown a feed of content from brands, celebrities, and influencers.
This means that you’re never opening up Threads and essentially seeing a blank page; there’s always content to scroll through, even if you don’t currently follow anyone.
The folks behind Threads have made a pretty smart decision here, because even if you’re completely new to Instagram as well as Threads, there’s almost always something for you to read, and since the content you see is driven by an algorithm that learns your preferences, the content you’re seeing will become even more relevant over time.
Will Threads’ success last?
Unpacking the reasons behind Threads’ success isn’t particularly difficult, but it’s far tougher to make a prediction regarding whether or not this initial burst of popularity will last. We can see reasons to believe Threads will stand the test of time and reasons that it might just be a temporary bubble.
If Twitter fails, Threads could pick up the slack
Whether or not Threads sticks around will depend largely on Elon Musk, we think. Users have been leaving the platform, but there hasn’t been the kind of mass exodus that Threads needs to dominate its rival.

However, Musk is arguably one unpopular decision away from putting that mass exodus into effect, and if he does that, Threads will be standing by with open arms, waiting to welcome Twitter’s newly-disenfranchised user base.
Social media moves fast
As pointed out by the New York Times, the world of social media is “fickle and faddish”. Getting eyes on your app and keeping them there simply isn’t easy, especially with so much competition out there to potentially make you stumble.
What happens next will be critical for Zuckerberg and Meta. If they’re able to constantly introduce new and popular features to Threads, then there may well be a permanent user base in place for the app.
If, on the other hand, Threads’ developer team fumbles the ball and doesn’t add the things Threads needs to be complete, or lets it fall into the traps that other apps (especially Twitter) have fallen into, then Threads could be another flash in the pan for a company that’s weathered its fair share of them.